Wayzn Pet Tag troubleshooting guideUpdated 13 days ago
The receiver won't pair with the app
The door is opening too frequently
The tag isn't being detected outside
The battery health level is being reported incorrectly
The receiver won't pair with the app
If you are having difficulty getting the receiver to pair with the app, you may be able to resolve the issue by taking these steps:
- Power cycle your Smart Pet Door (the door opener) by unplugging it briefly, then plugging it back in.
- Reset the Pet Tag receiver to its factory condition by holding down the button (for about ten seconds) until the light blinks red and turns solid red.
- Use the app to try pairing again by going to Connected Devices > Add Device > Wayzn Pet Tag.
If you are still unable to pair the receiver with the app after taking these steps please notify us so we can replace the item for you.
The door is opening too frequently
In order to get the best results from your Pet Tag you must optimize it for your home by fine-tuning the placement of the tag and receiver and the tag responsiveness. If you've already done this and the door is still opening too often you can enable the Reduce Repeat Detections feature.
The tag isn't being detected outside
If your tag is detected from inside the house but not from outside the house there may be a materials issue that is blocking the signal. It is normal for it to be more difficult for the system to detect the signal through the wall, but it should be detected most of the time. To troubleshoot a lack of detection, follow these steps:
Step 1 - Check your receiver placement
Be sure you have carefully followed the instructions for placing the receiver, taking care to ensure you are using the standard placement if possible and you have the height correct. If using the perpendicular placement be sure you have the receiver reversed as described.
Step 2 - Check your tag placement
Next, consult the instructions for attaching the tag to your pet's collar to ensure that you have the tag placed correctly, keeping in mind that it is highly directional and the logo must be facing towards the receiver to work through the wall.
Step 3 - Check your settings
Lastly, go to the tag settings page in the Wayzn mobile app and try increasing the responsiveness. The Responsiveness slider controls how responsive the receiver will be when detecting the tag nearby. You can adjust the responsiveness for each tag individually. Moving the slider to "Low" will require your dog to sit or stand near the receiver for more time before the system responds, thus reducing the likelihood of the door opening when the dog is simply passing by. It may also require your pet to move slightly or even approach the area more than once before it is detected. Moving the slider to "high" will make the system respond faster but will increase the possibility of the door opening when the dog is simply passing by. Note: This setting may take time to reach the receiver, so changes may not take effect immediately.
If you are unable to make the system detect the tag from outside after following these steps please contact us so we may assist you.
My tag(s) stopped working
If none of your tags are working, it could be for a variety of possible reasons. Please follow these steps to diagnose and resolve the issue.
Step 1
Be sure your Pet Tag receiver is plugged in and the LED is green with short periods of yellow. It is possible that a software update is temporarily interrupting the normal function of the system. When new software is being downloaded by the receiver or a tag, the LED on the receiver will turn pink. Software downloads occur for several seconds at a time, and this may repeat periodically for an extended period of time up two hours. If you see a pink light, please wait until it turns green, then test your tag again. If you are seeing a green light and the tag still won't work, please continue to the next step.
Step 2
Navigate in the Wayzn mobile app to the "Connected Devices" page and make sure each of your tags is listed. Click on each tag to see the battery health and confirm that the battery in each of your tags is ok. Consult the appropriate articles if you need help changing a tag battery or pairing your tag with the app. If everything is powered and your tags appear as connected devices with good batteries, continue to the next step.
Step 3
Be sure you have given permission to open the door with Wayzn Pet Tag in the Wayzn mobile app under "Settings". Also, if you are using a custom Schedule and not the default schedule, be sure you are testing the tag during a scheduled time. If you need help, read about setting your Smart Pet Door to work with Wayzn Pet Tag. If your settings are correct and the tag still won't work, please continue to the next step.
Step 4
Differences in building materials and layout from one home to the next can cause differences in how efficiently the Pet Tag system works. You may need to increase the "Responsiveness" setting for your tag to get better results. When testing, hold the tag within 12-18 inches of the receiver with the tag logo facing towards the receiver and keep it in place for at least 10 seconds. If the tag still doesn't work, please continue to the next step.
Step 5
Sometimes software problems can occur. Normally such problems can be solved by re-booting the Wayzn Smart Pet Door (door opener). You can reboot the Smart Pet Door by unplugging it for 2 seconds then plugging it back in. Next, wait a few seconds for the light on your Smart Pet Door to turn white, then test again as described in step 4.
If following these steps doesn't result in the successful operation of your tag(s) please contact us so we may assist you.
The battery health level is being reported incorrectly
You may see the battery health reported incorrectly. This can happen when the tag has not been used recently to open the door, or when the battery has just been changed. When the battery strength is reported from the tag to the app the information must travel through the receiver, the Smart Pet Door, and then up to the cloud and finally to the app. This process can only occur when the tag successfully opens the door, and then the process can take several minutes to complete.
I need more batteries
You can find CR2032 batteries at your local drug store, hardware store, or online from a variety of sources including Amazon.