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Add additional usersUpdated 2 years ago

Each Smart Pet Door can have one, and only one primary user ("owner"). A primary user can give limited control over the device to other people by adding "additional users" if desired. To be given control of a Smart Pet Door as an additional user requires each person to have their own Wayzn account, as no two mobile phones can successfully share a single account.

As the primary user...

To add a user, in the Wayzn app on the home page select the tile for the device you wish to share. Once on the device page, use the ellipsis in the upper right corner to access the menu, then select "Additional Users". Then select the "Add User" button.

When prompted, give your additional user a name of your choice (be nice here) and press the "Continue" button. You will be presented with a QR code to share with the additional user. Treat the QR code just as you would a physical key to your home since it can be used to open the door without your knowledge. We suggest that you share the QR code in person by displaying your phone screen and avoid sending it over the Internet.

Note: A primary user can revoke an additional user anytime. Return to the Additional Users page from the home page by selecting the tile for the shared Smart Pet Door, then selecting the menu using the three dots in the upper right corner and choosing "Additional Users" from the menu. To remove a user press the "Revoke" button next to the user's name.

As the additional user (to be)...

To add yourself as an additional user on someone's Smart Pet Door you will first need to create a Wayzn account of your own (using an email address that is different from the primary user's).

After logging in and accepting the terms, the Add Wayzn process should begin automatically. If it doesn't, you can start the process anytime from the Wayzn app home page by selecting the "Add Wayzn" button.

When prompted to indicate if you are the "primary user" or an "additional user" select the "Scan QR Code" button.

Depending on your phone, you may be prompted to give permission to the Wayzn app to use your camera. If prompted, be sure to allow it. The Wayzn app will open your camera and begin scanning for the QR code. At this point, you will need access to the QR code created by the primary user of the Smart Pet Door. Arrange your phone so the QR code is visible in your camera viewer.

When the Wayzn app on your phone successfully scans the QR code on the primary user's phone, the app will return to the home page and a new tile will appear for the newly added device.

Note: If you are unable to connect to the Smart Pet Door as an additional user, it may be necessary for the primary user to remove and then re-add the device before repeating the steps on this page from the beginning.

Next, if you have an Alexa device, you can connect Wayzn with Alexa. Otherwise you can skip to the most important step, training your pet to use the Smart Pet Door.

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